1.Perhaps her air was the inevitable result of the social rise which had advanced her from a cottage to a large house and fields.
2.However, this is not so much a weakness in his work as it is the inevitable result of scholars' neglect of this period.
3.That, in turn, could intensify a bad loan problem at China's banks that many economists believe is an inevitable result of the lending boom.
4.In fact, the debt is civilians were excluded from the land beyond the inevitable result of the means of production.
5.Just as our human language, Network Language is the active demand and inevitable result of social development.
6.The death of the steel mill, he said, had been the slow but inevitable result of a loss in competitiveness.
7.The emergence of science agency is an inevitable result of the combination of sic-tech and economy under a mature market economy mechanism.
8.The final collapse of this great rebellion, with all its latent potentialities, was an inevitable result of its early failures.
9.Angst as an inevitable result of nihilism, it corresponds to the origin form and nature of nihilism.
10.Today, saw Liu Dehua to protect her to make an appearance, this was the inevitable result.